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The Brasses

The brasses now mounted on the walls of the tower were originally on the floor of the chancel, but were removed for better preservation in 1903 to the west wall of the nave. After the 1914-18 War they were placed in their present position in the tower to make room for the war memorial. They consist of a  man in the habit of his times between his two wives. The inscription reveals that the man was

John Brinkhurst, sometime citizen and Mercer of London, and Marchavant Adventvrar, with Elizabeth Blvndell and Jane Woodfoorde, his two wives

John Brinkhurst founded and endowed the almshouses at Oxford Lane, Marlow in 1608. These were demolished and replaced by a modern Brinkhurst Old People's Home in 1968. 

Another brass is displayed on the west wall at the entrance to the tower. It is the figure of a man wearing the official dress of the Fishmongers' Company of London. The inscription reads

Pray for the souls of Thomas Crekett, sometyme fysshmonger of london and Annes his Wyf, the whiche Thomas deceased the XXV day of July the yer of Our Lord MDXVII. On whose souls Jesu have mercy.

If you would like to know more about the brasses, you may be interested to read the article by Sheila Featherstone-Clark in Newsletter No. 8.

Text H.A.Jones, revised and supplemented by H. Douglas Sim, Patricial Burstall and John Harper

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